Photo booths are a popular trend to add some fun and excitement to any event, whether it’s a wedding, Christmas, or a corporate party. They allow you to capture the moments and memories that matter, and share them with your guests and online followers. But photo booths are not just about taking pictures. They are also about expressing your personality and creativity, and making your event stand out from the rest.

That’s why photo booth trends are constantly evolving and changing, to keep up with the latest technologies and preferences of the guests. We are a photo booth company that tends to stay pretty busy. People have booked photo booth rentals throughout the year and into next and they’ve told me what they want. I’m gonna share with you what the general consensus is. I’m not here to sell you the latest hype. I’m just letting you know what people are actually doing. If you are going to be a guest at any of our upcoming events, this is really what to expect. Now keep in mind: I only service Oklahoma and mainly do weddings. Whether you are planning to rent a photo booth for your event, or trying to navigate your own photo booth business, this is for you.

Trend 1: Black and White Glam Photo Booths

They go by many different names (B&W, Glam, Beauty, Kardashian, VIP) but it’s generally all the same thing. It’s inspired by the Kardashian photo booth photos trending online pioneered by the company MirMir. It’s been out there for awhile but it’s taken a bit to entrench itself in the Oklahoma event industry. The photos are Black and White, with a solid white backdrop, and there is a skin smoothing filter applied. It’s definitely a vibe. Generally, the prints are just a single photo with names and dates in the corner (more on that below) but some people still want the traditional photo strips and then just have the individual photos available for download. Also, you typically don’t put out props. You want guests to have to work it a bit. Amazingly, over 50 percent of our photo booth rentals this year are B&W Photo Booths. Now I have to say, there is big range of how well different companies achieve the look. I’m biased but I think we do it well which is maybe why it’s such a big trend for us.

black and white glam beauty photo booth

Trend 2: Luxury Vibe

We have a solid white backdrop for our B&W Photo Booth. If you take black and white photos, it’s the only thing that makes sense. If you use anything else, it looks drab and weird. I’ve been quite surprised at how many people want a plain white backdrop even for colored photos. We have many different colors for our sequin photo booth backdrops, or you can use a backdrop from your planner or florist. Those green boxwood walls are pretty luxe. White is really clean and minimal, I like it, but I’m still surprised. I think it’s influenced but the B&W trend. People like the luxury look but can’t get past receiving just Black and White photos. Also, they still want some props which work better in color, but more classy photo booth props. They want the luxury vibe but still want some funkiness of a traditional photo booth.

luxury potrait photo booth

Trend 3: Single Photo Prints

This is a trend to the point where I had to change my rental form to add this exact option so that there’s less back and forth or confusion about the photo booth templates. For years, it was take 3 photos or so and collage them all onto a print. Sometimes it was a strip or postcard sized prints, horizontal or vertical, always a bit different but basically the same idea. Increasingly, I’ve been getting asked for just one photo, one print. This is expected from the B&W Photo Booth but we’ve been asked to do it for colored experiences as well. Again, I’m not sure where this preference is coming from. I think it may be wanting portraiture more than a traditional photo booth. Or maybe a physical print nowadays is a novelty itself, so might as well just keep it simple.

Photo booths are more than just a way to take pictures. They are a way to create memories, express yourself, and have fun. There is definitely a theme with the photo booth trends for 2024. You can expect to see more minimalism but you will still come across the familiar yet being curated. There are still many events that enjoy the 3 photo strip with crazy props but don’t want feather boas and giant glasses. People want both print and digital copies. Whether you want to go for B&W or color, editorial or wild, you can find the perfect option to complement the feel of your event. Photo booths are here to stay, and they are only getting better. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your event unforgettable. Contact us today to book your photo booth rental and level up your party!